Band Structure and Edge modes of a Graphene Nano Ribbon

Quick Summary

We are interested in the edge modes of the Graphene Nano Ribbon. A nano ribbon is a 2D structure in which the molecules extend infinitely in one of the directions and finite in the other. One more visualizations of the above is forming a chain of atoms(Periodic boundary conditions) in one of the directions and finite chain(Open boundary conditions) in the other direction.

Importing the required libraries

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import ipywidgets as ipy'seaborn')
mp.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (9, 7)
%matplotlib notebook

Modules for building the model and computing the eigenenergies and values

def gzig_zag(N = 25, t = 1.0, kval = 0.5):
    Hmat = np.zeros([2*N,2*N], dtype = complex)
    for i in range(len(Hmat)-1):
        Hmat[i][i+1] = (1-i%2)*t*(1+np.exp(1j*kval)) + (i%2)*t #0.5*np.random.random()
        Hmat[i+1][i] = np.conj(Hmat[i][i+1])
        #Hmat[i][i] = np.random.random()
    return Hmat

def compute(Hmat):
    eigenenergies, eigenstate = np.linalg.eigh(Hmat)
    return eigenenergies, eigenstate

Energy spectrum as a function of ‘k’

N = 15; t = 1.0
k = np.linspace(-4,4,1001)
eig = np.zeros([len(k),2*N])
for _ in range(len(k)):
    eig[_] = compute(gzig_zag(N,t,k[_]))[0]
plt.xlabel("$k$"); plt.ylabel("$E(k)$")
plt.title("Energy Spectrum for the Zig-Zag Graphene Structure")

Visualization of the Edge modes

vecs = np.zeros([2*N,2*N], dtype = complex)
vecs = compute(gzig_zag(N,t,-3))[1]
plt.plot(range(2*N),vecs[:,N], label="Zero energy edge mode")
plt.plot(range(2*N),vecs[:,0], label="Ground state")
plt.title("Eigenvectors of the Zig-Zag Structure of Graphene")

Checking the Robustness of the edge modes

def gzig_zag_r(N = 25, t = 1.0, kval = 0.5):
    Hmat = np.zeros([2*N,2*N], dtype = complex)
    for i in range(len(Hmat)-1):
        Hmat[i][i+1] = (1-i%2)*(t-np.random.random())*(1+np.exp(1j*kval)) + (i%2)*(t+np.random.random()) #0.5*np.random.random()
        Hmat[i+1][i] = np.conj(Hmat[i][i+1])
        #Hmat[i][i] = np.random.random()
    return Hmat
N = 25; t = 1.0
k = np.linspace(-4,4,1001)
eig = np.zeros([len(k),2*N])
for _ in range(len(k)):
    eig[_] = compute(gzig_zag_r(N,t,k[_]))[0]
plt.xlabel("$k$"); plt.ylabel("$E(k)$")
plt.title("Energy Spectrum for the Zig-Zag Graphene Structure")
vecs = np.zeros([2*N,2*N], dtype = complex)
vecs = compute(gzig_zag_r(N,t,-3))[1]
plt.plot(range(2*N),vecs[:,N-1], label="Zero energy edge mode")
plt.plot(range(2*N),vecs[:,0], label="Ground state")
plt.title("Eigenvectors of the Zig-Zag Structure of Graphene")
Chakradhar Rangi
Chakradhar Rangi
Physics PhD Student

My research interests include Computational Condensed Matter Physics and developing scientific codes.